The ULTIMATE Digital Teacher Planner to help you plan, organize AND manage all of your teaching
Created and designed with you teaching heroes in mind, this planner includes everything you need to manage your classroom in 24/25 ✔ Daily, weekly, monthly and annual planning (Jan 24 - Dec 25) ✔ Lesson planning templates and weekly timetables ✔ Manage homework, grades, assignements, attendence, seating charts and field trips ✔ Teaching resources: substitute reports, academic progress reports, parent conferences & communications ✔ Individual Subject Unit study ✔ 50+ teaching templates included
Created and designed with you teaching heroes in mind, this planner includes everything you need to manage your classroom in 24/25 ✔ Daily, weekly, monthly and annual planning (Jan 24 - Dec 25) ✔ Lesson planning templates and weekly timetables ✔ Manage homework, grades, assignements, attendence, seating charts and field trips ✔ Teaching resources: substitute reports, academic progress reports, parent conferences & communications ✔ Individual Subject Unit study ✔ 50+ teaching templates included
Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple.

Its our mission to create digital planners that will empower you. We enable customers to elevate their planning routines and get organized with our huge collection of digital planners. From hyperlinked daily planners, to journals for reading, recipes and gratitude, we love creating designs to help you excel! Humbled to already have over 400k customers supporting us. Connect with us @templatables
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