A undated hyperlinked diary that be used every year, allowing you to have freedom in journaling
The perpetual horizontal daily diary is composed of 6 covers, 2 annual pages, 12 monthly pages, 365 daily pages, 4 note pages, and 6 sticker pages. The 12 months are designed in 12 different monochrome colors for a timeless appeal, and the top of each page features the name and date of the month, which can be clicked for easy navigation. The monthly pages include space for writing up to 5 habit trackers, allowing for daily habit recording. The daily pages are designed without a fixed format, allowing for free-form writing or sticker placement. Additionally, there are 4 colored note pages that can be copied and used for extra writing, and a bonus set of 6 colored sticker sets is included. Each of the 365 days is linked with hyperlinks for convenience.
The perpetual horizontal daily diary is composed of 6 covers, 2 annual pages, 12 monthly pages, 365 daily pages, 4 note pages, and 6 sticker pages. The 12 months are designed in 12 different monochrome colors for a timeless appeal, and the top of each page features the name and date of the month, which can be clicked for easy navigation. The monthly pages include space for writing up to 5 habit trackers, allowing for daily habit recording. The daily pages are designed without a fixed format, allowing for free-form writing or sticker placement. Additionally, there are 4 colored note pages that can be copied and used for extra writing, and a bonus set of 6 colored sticker sets is included. Each of the 365 days is linked with hyperlinks for convenience.
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Dieses Produkt ist kompatibel mit Goodnotes 6 auf Apple, Android, Windows und Web Geräten
6.91 MB

Paperplanet erstellt einen Planer, der Ihnen im eintönigen Alltag Freude am Aufzeichnen bereitet. Minimalistisches und ordentliches Design und intuitive Hyperlinks machen es einfach zu benutzen, so dass Sie jeden Tag auf farbenfrohe und effiziente Art verbringen können, wenn Sie nichts tun möchten. Lernen Sie Paperplanets Planer kennen, der Sie zu einem produktiven und motivierten Leben führt! Instagram: @paperart_planet
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