Your Semester Simplified: One Notebook for Effortless Organization with Notebook-Like Design, Substantial Pages, and Hyperlinks.

With just one notebook, you can neatly organize an entire semester. Experience the design that feels like an actual notebook. With substantial pages & hyperlinks, it allows convenient schedule management and note-taking.

With just one notebook, you can neatly organize an entire semester. Experience the design that feels like an actual notebook. With substantial pages & hyperlinks, it allows convenient schedule management and note-taking.

What you'll get

  • Compatibility

    This product is compatible with Goodnotes 6 on Apple, Android, Windows, and Web devices

  • File Size

    11.4 MB

  • Paper Size

    16.52 x 23.39 inch

  • Layout


  • Quantity




<Rurinesangjeom> is a charming and sentimental digital diary supplies store. Let's capture warm moments of everyday life together.

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