Decorate your everyday life with unique stickers!
This is a <itsHoLeDay> Edition Everyday Life Sticker Collection that contains stickers that are absolutely essential for your daily life! It includes high-use stickers such as alphabets, numbers, weather, days of the week, confetti, and even memo stickers! Add some holiness to your everyday life!
This is a <itsHoLeDay> Edition Everyday Life Sticker Collection that contains stickers that are absolutely essential for your daily life! It includes high-use stickers such as alphabets, numbers, weather, days of the week, confetti, and even memo stickers! Add some holiness to your everyday life!
What you'll get
This product is compatible with Goodnotes 6 on Apple devices
File Size
107.3 MB

<itsholeday> creates products that everyone needs in their daily lives. In addition to digital planners and notes with hyperlinks, we also produce digital stickers necessary for daily life, and are presented in a convenient design that everyone can use easily. <itsholeday> hopes you spend every day like a holiday, and every day with <itsholeday>. Instagram: @its_a_hole_day
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