Old school notebook covers in bright retro shades

Throw it back with these retro notebook covers, available for instant download! ❖ Includes 14 covers, each in different color combinations ❖ Organized into a single GoodNotes file for fast, easy selection ❖ GoodNotes Standard size ❖ Portrait Only

Throw it back with these retro notebook covers, available for instant download! ❖ Includes 14 covers, each in different color combinations ❖ Organized into a single GoodNotes file for fast, easy selection ❖ GoodNotes Standard size ❖ Portrait Only


  • Compatibilité

    Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple, Android, Windows et Web.

  • 14

Goodnotes Originals

Goodnotes Originals

Created by the designers at Goodnotes

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