Track and share your reading journey with the all-in-one Reading Log Tracker, featuring 48+ books, hyperlinks, 1:1 square format, and bonus stickers.

Introducing the Reading Log Tracker, which you can record your reading experiences of over 48 books. It features a hyperlink function for easy page navigation and a 1:1 square format that makes it convenient for sharing on social media. There are stickers for you to use in the Reading Log Tracker when you purchase.

Introducing the Reading Log Tracker, which you can record your reading experiences of over 48 books. It features a hyperlink function for easy page navigation and a 1:1 square format that makes it convenient for sharing on social media. There are stickers for you to use in the Reading Log Tracker when you purchase.


  • Compatibilité

    Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple, Android, Windows et Web.

  • 119



<VOL DE NUIT> began as a design project focused on the nighttime. We create various digital stationery items that allow even those who are not naturally inclined to be organized to enjoy recording their daily lives. Instagram: @voldenuit_studio.

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