A study planner you need to work hard for your goals. From setting plans to looking back, you can finish it all in one book. (Includes stickers)

***Easy as it is for a 3-month usage!*** For you, who studies diligently every day to achieve your goals, From planning to reflection, everything is included in one book. Prepared with various sections such as Monthly, Plan, Score Record, My Goal, and more. Stickers that will make you want to use the study planner every day are also included!

***Easy as it is for a 3-month usage!*** For you, who studies diligently every day to achieve your goals, From planning to reflection, everything is included in one book. Prepared with various sections such as Monthly, Plan, Score Record, My Goal, and more. Stickers that will make you want to use the study planner every day are also included!


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    Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple, Android, Windows et Web.

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My Buddy

My Buddy

<My Buddy>, friends who give us strength and comfort by our side. Even though the five of us are so different, our goal is the same! Treat every day as a vacation and if you are traveling. These are friends who find happiness in the little things. Instagram: @mybuddy.zip

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