Answer our daily questions and you will soon realize that your life is filled with 'happiness'.

The '5-Minute Diary' is a diary that starts and ends your day by answering questions divided into morning and night. The questions were developed based on over 100 self-improvement/psychology books, and it has been personally used, revised, and improved over 3 years. Experience the magic of finding happiness in your daily life.

The '5-Minute Diary' is a diary that starts and ends your day by answering questions divided into morning and night. The questions were developed based on over 100 self-improvement/psychology books, and it has been personally used, revised, and improved over 3 years. Experience the magic of finding happiness in your daily life.


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12 months lab

12 months lab

<12 months lab> focuses on loving and taking time to care for oneself and believes finding 'happiness' in a busy life. We hope that our products give both passion and time for rest.

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