Quarterly Planner for recording every three months. Includes date stickers.

Quarterly planner for those who find planning a whole year daunting! Quarterly Plan - Organize for the next three months Monthly - Record your schedule for a month Weekly - Check off tasks to do for the week and record your days. Notes - Free writing notes Stickers - Stickers for 2024/2025/2026 and 365-day stickers All pages come with hyperlinks for easy navigation. Enjoy the pleasure of recording every three months!

Quarterly planner for those who find planning a whole year daunting! Quarterly Plan - Organize for the next three months Monthly - Record your schedule for a month Weekly - Check off tasks to do for the week and record your days. Notes - Free writing notes Stickers - Stickers for 2024/2025/2026 and 365-day stickers All pages come with hyperlinks for easy navigation. Enjoy the pleasure of recording every three months!


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about C.

about C.

<about C.> creates a useful space for recording. The fragments of thoughts encountered therein will make your everyday life a bit more vivid. @about.clo.ud

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