A notebook composed of 4 colors, 9 types of layouts, and 10 hyperlink chapters
This is a custom DIY notebook that allows for flexible combination according to the desired format. It is efficiently organized with high-utility layout pages, and chapters are categorized to enable note-taking on various topics within a single notebook. Configuration: 10 chapters per color, 9 types of layouts - Lined/Half-lined/Grid/Dot/Legal/Cornell/Plain/Vocabulary - Sticker page
This is a custom DIY notebook that allows for flexible combination according to the desired format. It is efficiently organized with high-utility layout pages, and chapters are categorized to enable note-taking on various topics within a single notebook. Configuration: 10 chapters per color, 9 types of layouts - Lined/Half-lined/Grid/Dot/Legal/Cornell/Plain/Vocabulary - Sticker page
Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple, Android, Windows et Web.

Envoyant de la chaleur à travers le petit lapin, je suis Mini, la créatrice de <My Little Rabbit>. Je crée de la papeterie numérique en espérant que vous preniez plaisir à écrire et à tenir un journal. Je vous souhaite une journée aussi mignonne qu’heureuse!
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