Unique and functional correction notebook. Make your custom DIY notebook.
This is a unique and functional correction notebook. - DIY-style notebook - 4 colors: blue, pink, purple, and grey [Page Layout] Covers (2 types)/ Chapter index (8 chapters)/ Layout index/ Wrong answer notebook (4 types)/ Basic notebook (4 types)
This is a unique and functional correction notebook. - DIY-style notebook - 4 colors: blue, pink, purple, and grey [Page Layout] Covers (2 types)/ Chapter index (8 chapters)/ Layout index/ Wrong answer notebook (4 types)/ Basic notebook (4 types)
Ce produit est compatible avec Goodnotes 6 sur les appareils Apple, Android, Windows et Web.

<VOL DE NUIT> began as a design project focused on the nighttime. We create various digital stationery items that allow even those who are not naturally inclined to be organized to enjoy recording their daily lives. Instagram: @voldenuit_studio.
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