Efficiently organize studies with our Study Planner & Cornell Note Set: 10 layouts, hyperlinks, 10 Note types, 6 colors.

This product has two types of 'study planners' and 'Cornell Notes' for efficient learning and is designed with 10 different layouts that can be used for various subjects. - Convenient page navigation with hyperlinked index - One daily study planner and one study overview planner - 10 types of Cornell Notes that can be applied to various subjects - Available in 6 different colors - Additional grayscale mode provided for printing

This product has two types of 'study planners' and 'Cornell Notes' for efficient learning and is designed with 10 different layouts that can be used for various subjects. - Convenient page navigation with hyperlinked index - One daily study planner and one study overview planner - 10 types of Cornell Notes that can be applied to various subjects - Available in 6 different colors - Additional grayscale mode provided for printing

What you'll get

  • Compatibility

    This product is compatible with Goodnotes 6 on Apple, Android, Windows, and Web devices

  • File Size

    0.51 MB

  • Paper Size


  • Layout


  • Quantity




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