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Eight Themes: Morning, Afternoon, Night, Camping, Birthday Party, Study, Bread, Hospital

The stickers are made from easily relatable everyday experiences and composed of friendly concepts that are easy to use in any diary. The sticker set includes eight themes: 'Morning, Afternoon, Night, Camping, Birthday Party, Study, Bread, Hospital'. Decorate your diary with My Buddy stickers to make it cuter and more colorful. The stickers are individually cut and organized on a collection format for convenient use.

The stickers are made from easily relatable everyday experiences and composed of friendly concepts that are easy to use in any diary. The sticker set includes eight themes: 'Morning, Afternoon, Night, Camping, Birthday Party, Study, Bread, Hospital'. Decorate your diary with My Buddy stickers to make it cuter and more colorful. The stickers are individually cut and organized on a collection format for convenient use.

What you'll get

  • Compatibility

    This product is compatible with Goodnotes 6 on Apple devices

  • File Size

    7.61 MB

  • Quantity


My Buddy

My Buddy

<My Buddy>, friends who give us strength and comfort by our side. Even though the five of us are so different, our goal is the same! Treat every day as a vacation and if you are traveling. These are friends who find happiness in the little things. Instagram: @mybuddy.zip

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