
Explore a crash course in Goodnotes, uncovering efficient tools and shortcuts to boost your productivity.

Invest the next 10 minutes in mastering the fundamentals of Goodnotes. Unleash the complete capabilities of Goodnotes by acquiring essential tips including: - Adjusting your pen settings - Autocorrect your handwritten notes - Scribble to erase - Two finger double tap to undo - Use a precision eraser to precisely eraser your content - “Draw and Hold” to draw perfect lines or shapes - Circle and lasso to move or perform other actions - Add comments and collaborate with others - Create your own Elements - Change paper templates within notebook

Invest the next 10 minutes in mastering the fundamentals of Goodnotes. Unleash the complete capabilities of Goodnotes by acquiring essential tips including: - Adjusting your pen settings - Autocorrect your handwritten notes - Scribble to erase - Two finger double tap to undo - Use a precision eraser to precisely eraser your content - “Draw and Hold” to draw perfect lines or shapes - Circle and lasso to move or perform other actions - Add comments and collaborate with others - Create your own Elements - Change paper templates within notebook

O que vai receber

  • Compatibilidade

    Este produto é compatível com Goodnotes 6 em Apple dispositivos

  • Tamanho do arquivo

    3.57 MB

  • Tamanho do papel


  • Layout


  • Quantidade


Goodnotes Originals

Goodnotes Originals

Created by the designers at Goodnotes

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