Đồng ý Điều khoản & điều kiện

Trước khi mua, vui lòng đọc và đồng ý với Điều khoản & điều kiện của Chợ văn phòng phẩm Goodnotes.

Korean CSAT! Expert Teacher Cha Young-jin formulated math mock exam covering basics to real-world applications, preparing you for everything.

Get prepared with mock exams directly produced by Teacher Cha Young-jin, Korea's top math mock exam expert. This comprehensive and self-directed learning resource combines innovative features of Goodnotes 6 with interactive exam-style practice questions. Designed for Korean test-takers preparing for the CSAT, this integrated solution utilizes the new exam practice features to offer ultimate learning resource. - Covering Math I, Math II, and elective subjects (Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Geometry), organized by unit and difficulty level - High-quality questions featuring new question types prepare you for all situations in the CSAT - All questions are analyzed, created, and reviewed by Teacher Cha Young-jin to reflect the latest trends - only in Goodnotes 6!

Get prepared with mock exams directly produced by Teacher Cha Young-jin, Korea's top math mock exam expert. This comprehensive and self-directed learning resource combines innovative features of Goodnotes 6 with interactive exam-style practice questions. Designed for Korean test-takers preparing for the CSAT, this integrated solution utilizes the new exam practice features to offer ultimate learning resource. - Covering Math I, Math II, and elective subjects (Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Geometry), organized by unit and difficulty level - High-quality questions featuring new question types prepare you for all situations in the CSAT - All questions are analyzed, created, and reviewed by Teacher Cha Young-jin to reflect the latest trends - only in Goodnotes 6!

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Mr. Cha Young-jin

Mr. Cha Young-jin

I am a math instructor and a specialist in math mock exams on one of Korea's top three online education platforms.

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