The ultimate notebook/planner to track your language learning progress and practice your skills

Whether you're practicing your vocabulary, learning new alphabet characters, grammar, writing, this notebook has got you covered. The templates are designed to suit a range of languages and learning styles, so you can choose the ones that work best for you and organise them with the 12 custom notebook sections. It includes 12 undated monthly trackers and 60 undated weekly study trackers to monitor your language learning journey and identify areas where you need to focus more attention. In addition to templates for language practice, it also includes 12 hyperlinked monthly trackers and 60 undated weekly study/trackers, so you can easily monitor your language learning journey and identify areas where you need to focus more attention.

Whether you're practicing your vocabulary, learning new alphabet characters, grammar, writing, this notebook has got you covered. The templates are designed to suit a range of languages and learning styles, so you can choose the ones that work best for you and organise them with the 12 custom notebook sections. It includes 12 undated monthly trackers and 60 undated weekly study trackers to monitor your language learning journey and identify areas where you need to focus more attention. In addition to templates for language practice, it also includes 12 hyperlinked monthly trackers and 60 undated weekly study/trackers, so you can easily monitor your language learning journey and identify areas where you need to focus more attention.


  • 兼容性

    该产品与 Apple、安卓、微软和网页端 设备上的 Goodnotes 6 兼容

  • 文件大小

    0.75 MB

  • 纸张大小


  • 布局


  • 数量


Wildberry Planner

Wildberry Planner

Wildberryplanner is a professional graphic designer passionate about creating aesthetic and highly functional digital stationery, from digital notebooks to fully hyperlinked planners, they create digital products that help you reach your goals.


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