Capture moments in a violet-hued undated diary with an index, monthly, weekly planning, photobook, and diverse note designs.

Record all your moments in an undated diary with mysterious violet hues. - An undated planner for a year, to be used in portrait mode. - Includes an index that allows you to see the planner’s composition at a glance (including hyperlinks). - Consists of a monthly calendar and weekly pages where you can record every day. - Records various moments in a monthly photobook, providing visual pleasure. - Includes a profile, gratitude diary, and four different note designs, among other templates.

Record all your moments in an undated diary with mysterious violet hues. - An undated planner for a year, to be used in portrait mode. - Includes an index that allows you to see the planner’s composition at a glance (including hyperlinks). - Consists of a monthly calendar and weekly pages where you can record every day. - Records various moments in a monthly photobook, providing visual pleasure. - Includes a profile, gratitude diary, and four different note designs, among other templates.


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    41.8 MB

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Moment of Stationery

Moment of Stationery

<Moment of Stationery> 是一個考慮所有用戶偏好的數碼文具店。在當今時代,人們有如此多不同的偏好。有些人使用淺色模式,有些人使用深色模式。我們甚至創建了具有宇宙主題的產品,以便每個人都可以享受不同的偏好和品味。我們想在這個世界慶祝不同的品味!




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